

Okay okay..

Idk if some of ya'll are wondering why the layout has been different almost every week for the past 3-4 weeks
but...truth is..I.have.no.life
thats why!
-No boyfriend
-No friends
[well I have one friend, but we haven't had the chance to hang out at all lately]
-& No job
equals=no life.
BUT I do goto school..it's not like thats doing me any good though.
I usually do what I want but my family would fall the fuck out if I went to school for the shit I ACTUALLY
enjoy, like theatre & music. Uggghh. I try to make ppl understand how hard it is to stay focused on Plan B when Plan A constantly reminds you of how fast time is passing you by and how you're wasting it on bullshit.
I guess Plan B's are good though..........as a front for your friends and family. Hmph. :-|


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